miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2018


From today to the 11th December, you can participate in a joke's contest in English!!!

The jokes have to be 'jokes for children' and there will be a prize. Good luck!
And now, some jokes to start:

- Why did the computer go to the doctor's?

- Because it had a 'virus'

- Why did the student eat his homework?

- Because the teacher said that it was 'a piece of cake' 

- What animal is always at a baseball game?

- A bat    

- What's the best thing to put into a cake?

- Your teeth

- What is a cow playing an instrument?

- A moo-sician 

- Why is the book of Maths sad?

- Because it has a lot of problems!!! 

7 comentarios:

  1. Which is the goalkeeper that best?

    For Para-guay

    1. lo siento,me he equivocado, es :Which is the goalie that best for

      the one?

      from Para-guay

  2. hallo rafa i send new joke:
    why cats are good at video games?
    because they have seven lives!

  3. What´s the worst thing for a bull?

    People do bullying

  4. Did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda ?
    No . What happened ?
    Well , he was just lucky it was a soft drink

  5. Teacher: What is your date of birth?
    Student: october 13th
    Teacher: which year?
    Student: It is every year!

  6. What does a traffic light say to another traffic light?

    Don't look at me, I'm changing



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