lunes, 14 de febrero de 2022

Famous person

 First, you can play this game and try to guess the famous person.

For next week, you have to talk about a famous person in Fli

Now, you have to do this Flipgrid:

And answer the question of this video:

sábado, 12 de febrero de 2022

Global Goals project

 In order to learn the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) and learn English at the same time, we are part of this international project. 

The first activity was to look for the Goal and we did a game and a kind of escape room.

jueves, 10 de febrero de 2022

Jane Goodall and women in Science 6º

Do you know Jane Goodall? Here is some information about her. Listen to the audios and answer the questions. Send the answers to: 
220-222, una ficha interactiva de ntbngoc2390

A.B. page 39

 Watch this video about Hedy Lamarr and answer the questions

Study the verbs and complete this chart

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