miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2020

martes, 11 de febrero de 2020


Everyday I will give some clues to guess the famous person. You can participate by writing the solution in the comments.

Clue number1. This person WAS BORN in 1867.

Clue number 2. Yesterday, it WAS a very important day for this person.

Clue number 3. This person WAS Polish.

Clue number 4. This person WAS A scientist.

YES!!! The famous person was Marie Curie. She WAS BORN in Poland, but she livED in France. She was the first woman to get a Nobel Prize. She WON two Nobel Prizes!!!
She discoverED radium and Polonium. And last week WAS the Scientific women day. You can learn more about her if you clic on the photo.

Congrtulations to the winners!!!!


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